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The Village of Enkusero Sampu


​The population center referred to as the village of Enkusero Sampu is a remote Maasai settlement in the Ngong Hills, in Kajiado West County, Kenya. 


Home to approximately 1500 people/150 families, it is at the meeting point of traditional pastoralist

culture and modern Nairobi. 



A region of natural beauty but underserved with infrastructure and suffering high levels of poverty. This is largely the result of government land-use policies that have disrupted the traditional Maasai way of life (The Maasai Association).



Home to the region's only primary school (120+ students) the school has a dedicated staff but no desks, no books, and few supplies.


Primary school

60+ girls at risk for female genital mutilation (FGM) and early forced marriage. Brighter futures for them involve high school education, scholarships, and community outreach. 


Donor generosity made constructing a water storage tank within convenient distance to the village a reality, bringing clean water and the possibility of subsistence farming to the semiarid region. Water infrastructure goals include plumbing a central tap. Farming goals include specialized education and supplies.


Water storage tank


Until farming is a viable option, outside food procurement is a necessity. Basic foodstuffs such as corn meal and all supplies and medical services are obtained from local towns, the nearest being 20 miles. Access to transportation is key in this rocky, unpaved region

Next steps include raising funds for a used all-terrain vehicle as well as second village motorbike.


Residents live in homes like this one, with extended families of 6-10 people, where hospitality is a cherished tradition.

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